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How you can reduce the costs of printing with CISS

CISS (continuous ink supply system) is a revolutionary system which can help you save money when printing something. Whereas it is using tanks of ink which assure a continuous alimentation, the necessity of changing them is eliminated. Moreover, the tanks are transparent, which means that you will be able to see if the ink is over so you can avoid the situation in which the tanks run out of ink exactly when you need to print something.

To install this kind of system you just have to replace the old tanks with the ones you receive in the package and attach the new tanks to the exterior of the printer.

The costs of a CISS system start from 40 euro, and the cost of one bottle of ink is 7 euro. In adition, there is the possibility of purchasing a printer with CISS preinstalled.

In conclusion, here are the main reasons why you should use ciss:

  • You can save up to 95% of costs
  • It is easy to install and compatible with all types of printers
  • Equates with 20 normal tanks
  • You can monitorise with naked eye the amount of ink left
  • You can replenish it without taking out the tanks.


  1. Boby

    Am mai vazut articolul asta ca circula de un an parca, si din cate am inteles produsul respectiv este chiar bun si da clasa resturilor :)

  2. faravirusi

    Prietenul meu si-a cumparat un CISS, si mi-a spus ca este foarte bun :D :D Parca nu se mai termina cerneala ;)

  3. Sorin

    Din propria experienta pot sa spun ca CISS este solutia ideala pentru tipariri la greu, nu numai documente dar si fotografii (pe hartie foto!). Pretul unui sistem CISS depinde de modelul imprimantei, si este aproximativ egal cu pretul unui set complet de cartuse originale, ulterior, economia rezulta din pretul cernelii: ~10 lei/100 ml, ~35 lei/500 ml, ~50 lei/1 litru, cantitati care asigura alimentarea cu cernealapentru o luuuuunga perioada. Personal, folosesc 2 imprimante cu CISS si pot sa spun ca mai mult costa hartia pe care imprim (documentatii tehnice), decit cerneala !!

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